Healing Rain Devotional (HRD)
HRD is a Daily inspirational guide to a closer fellowship with God.
At one time or the other, we all need healing as humans most especially as we live in a corrupt and wicked world, but thanks be to God who in every circumstance has made provision sufficient for us in His word as HEALING IS THE CHILDREN’S BREAD.
For all that desire a closer walk with God- this will draw you nearer and take you deeper, and for all shot with life’s ills and perils, it’s my deepest prayer that as you get engaged with this Inspiration and walk with God more intimately like never before; may you receive HEALING and heaven’s best in all spheres in Jesus’ matchless name. Amen
On Healthy Relationships
This is an Inspiration targeted at making bad relationships better, good relationships great and every relationship sweet and cordial by the finger of God.
It’s my heartfelt prayer that no matter your struggles and endurance in your relationships and unions, may heaven’s joy radiate NOW and may your failing relationships receive healing NOW as you see heaven on earth and experience greater joys in HEALTH. Amen