Kind Words- Part 2

Commit to Memory: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen”. (Ephesians 4:29)

Just as our words have the potential to bring healing, it also has the ability to bring irreparable damages. If we know this, we will be mindful in our daily conversation and communication. So we see that not only are kind words sweet to the soul, but they have the potential to bring healing to the body. Jacob used his words to bless Joseph, Elisha used his words to curse and kill 42 children, Moses used his words to reverse the curse placed on Ruben- he said let Ruben live and not die and let not his members be few, Jesus used his words to deliver the woman caught in the very act of adultery that was targeted for death by stoning. For this woman hurtful words from her critics condemned her for death but one kind word from Jesus saved her. Jesus simply said to her: woman I do not condemn you – go and sin no more. What a word of grace from Christ. Halelluyah.

In today’s commit to memo ry, Paul offered instruction to the church at Ephesus on how a follower of Christ should speak: first he talked about unwholesome talk- that is foolish and hurtful words that do not minster grace to the hearer, secondly he said our words must be helpful in building men up and thirdly our words must profit our listeners or those who hear us. It’s easy for us to forget the impact our words have on other people. The bible says when the children of Israel angered Moses at the waters of strife, Moses reacted by speaking unadvisedly with his lips such that it went ill with Moses for their sake. This explains why Proverbs 15:4  says

“Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.”

I like you to make this confession to God and say: “Father, thank You for the grace I found in your sight and the privilege I have to communicate with You. I pray You will quickly convict me when I am out of line in my speech. Help me to speak words that are seasoned with salt, words of grace and love so that it will be profiting and edifying to those who hear me. I pray I will routinely speak words of kindness and love and that my words will never harm orvdestroy. So help me God!

Reflection: We have the potential to speak words that help or hurt, maim or heal but wisdom is needed to choose our words wisely.

Prayer Lines

•Father, let my words become the words of Jesus that I may talk like Jesus in all situations.

•Father, let your love capture my heart that love will be expressed in all my conversations.

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