Maximize Opportunities- Part 2 - Dennis Inspires

Maximize Opportunities- Part 2

Commit to Memory: “Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days” (Ephesians 5:16 NLT).

When you pass over opportunities repeatedly, it’s a sign that you have a poor mindset that needs to be altered aright. When you miss the opportunity that would have changed your life, then the blame game will be the order of your day. Stop blaming people for your misfortunes but make a decision today to let every of your minutes God has privileged you count and be purposeful.

Zacchaeus climbed a sycamore tree to get the attention of Jesus and that day Jesus visited his house and we never read Jesus passed that path of Jericho ever again. So we see that Zacchaeus not withstanding being a rich man- maximized that moment and opportunity been a short man by the act of the tree he climbed to draw the attention of Jesus (Luke 19:1-10).

The woman with the issue of blood took her time and was so calculated such that she pressed forward, never allowing the crowd or the disciple to stop her, she found a way in the midst of the crowd and touched the helm of the garment of Jesus who was on his way to visit and heal Jarius’ daughter. What did she do seeing a crowd following Jesus? She was persistent as she pressed on and touched Jesus and right away the healing virtue from Christ healed her. How? She looked to Jesus by faith and when her faith touched His grace, she was healed. Why? She heard and believed that the Messiah who had healing in his wings was passing; so she said to herself this is my moment for change and so I’m going to make it count (Mark 5:25-34). Hallelujah.

Friends, God desires that you “Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days” and I pray for a user of this inspiration, beginning from today, you will not waste the opportunities heaven is bringing your way in the name of Jesus.

Reflection: Passing over opportunities repeatedly is a sign of oppression, lack of direction, poor organization, slothfulness and lack of vision.

Prayer Lines

•In the name of Jesus, I refuse to be a victim of satanic attack.

•In the name of Jesus, I make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.


  1. Blessed Udoh says

    This is awesome and am blessed. I pray that your oil of anointing will never go dry IJN

    • Dennis Ogbebor says

      Amen. God bless you

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