Kind Words

“Kind words are like honey- sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” (Proverbs 16:24 NLT)

Words wound us deeply or build us greatly. There’s a good chance you remember some time ago when you spoke ill to someone or someone spoke ill to you. If you were on the receiving side of hurtful words certainly you must have been hurt then by that experience. Harsh and unkind words from a parent, teacher or friend can linger for decades and certainly can affect our relationships. That’s why wise people choose their words carefully.

Solomon from the wealth of wisdom the Lord blessed him with said that one way you identify wise people is that they are prudent with their words (Proverbs 16:23). This means they show good judgment in their speech. Their words build rather than destroy men. Their words are kind no matter the situation such that when you listen to individuals such as these- you are motivated to learn politeness, patience and embrace what is said.

Friends, do you think before you speak? Do you count it wise to process and filter the information you intend dishing out? Does whatever you say bring healing or would bleed and cause damage to others. The truth is that sometimes hurtful words results in wounds that can remain fresh for a long time in the life of the one spoken to. It’s for this reason the Preacher said in today’s commit to memory- the CEV rendition that:

“Kind words are like honey— they cheer you up and make you feel strong.”

Beloved, have you ever been on the receiving end of hurtful and careless words? How do those experiences influence your speech? Whom do you know that could benefit from a kind word from you today? How can you use your words to bring healing to someone who is hurting? Do you speak unadvisedly with your lips and regret later? Are you aware that every careless word we utter is a bullet that cannot be gotten back but leaves scars? If we aware of these, then we must be careful to use kind words in our dealings daily with people around us.  

Reflection: God’s wisdom increases in you anytime you’re confronted with heated arguments and misunderstanding but you choose to speak kindly…

Prayer Lines

•Father, place a guide over my mouth that my words will be kind always.

•Father, let every word that proceed out of my mouth minister grace to the hearer always. So help me God

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