“If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other”. (Galatians 5:15).
Communication is the everyday spice that sweetens and makes relationship work and worth admiring be it marriage or not. This God engaged with His team of the Trinity to create the world we see even as the scriptural context suggests communication was constant among the three personalities of the Trinity. (Gen.1:26)
In marital relationships, your communication should permeate right words, choiced words, words of comfort, words full of grace, your communication should reflect love borne out of respect for your spouse. This is so because the only window for knowing exactly what is in your partner’s heart is good communication with him or her.
Communication is like a card reader that aids encoding and decoding of hearty information in marital cycles, thus intimate friendship in marriage will fail if communication is wanting. Are you single or married? Learn to write one another, speak well and not ill of your partner, listen to one another always and talk calmly and not yell or shout at one another. Express communication with your partner in your home, work and public.
In marital cycles, communication must be at alert at all times, this include constant engaging of verbal communication. My definition of marital love is that it speaks to the one it admires. How can you be in a relationship or marriage and you seldomly lose interest to speak to your spouse? Every woman created by God are moved by what they hear most especially when it is echoed by their husband. Are you a man, father, or an husband created in God’s image? then learn to portray the culture of constant verbal communication with your spouse for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speak, so speak to your partner calmly with tender and sweet words, soft answers, words of love, words of praise, encouragement and appreciation. If you don’t say it, they can’t assume, hear and receive it; so let the words flow to her always and never speak ill of your spouse, let it be full and seasoned with grace, speak peace to her in her fears and weaknesses.
Folks, until your partner gives a verbal expression of his or her feelings through words, you can only assume but will never know for sure what he or she is thinking. One secret to enjoying your marriage or relationship is to maintain good communication with your spouse within the home front and in the public. Infact, the more you talk and encourage your partner to talk with you, the closer you get and the better your union.
Friends, constant communication is the brick that builds friendship, trust and understanding in any relationship. When your partner does not know what you are up to or your where about, it symbolises there’s a breach in communication which can be very deadly as this births misunderstanding and distrust. Can two work together except they agree? Never possible. “If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other”. (Galatians 5:15). “Watch out” in the text typify see to it you address your differences in good communication as christian couples, so Beloved, build friendship together and let it reflect in communication.
Prayer Lines: Father, every hindrance to disagreement between me and my spouse, let it be removed that our friendship may blossom.